
Thursday, November 22, 2012


It's Turkey time again; everyone's favorite holiday for overeating! Dogs and cats are no different. Buddy's 'drug-of-choice' was turkey. Many a Thanksgiving I spent climbing over Annie and Buddy in an attempt to get to the oven to check the turkey. My little man was and my sweet girl is a 'turkey junkie'.

Feeding the pets before company arrives and the meal is served is a good way to minimize begging if you intend to allow your pet to mingle with your guests to begin with. Setting down rules for your human guests concerning no human food for the dog or cat and supplying pet treats is a better approach. If your pet steals food then by all means confine him to solve the problem. After the meal is finished make sure your pet cannot get to leftovers or into the garbage.

Thanksgiving decorations such as candles, cornucopias, gourds, etc. need to be out of a pet's reach. Rich foods, bones, strings can cause medical emergencies. Onions, grapes, raisins, chocolate, caffeine, avocado, alcohol and artificial sweeteners are toxic to pets. 

Have your veterinarian's number or the number of a 24-hour veterinary emergency service close at hand. Check the internet or with your vet for a list of foods dogs and cats should not eat. Keep the number of an animal poison hotline available.

Re-reading my Halloween post which covers the same issues can't hurt and will provide links to some informative articles/websites.

Also, think about your pet's tolerance for gatherings and people. If your dog or cat is easily upset by anything out of their ordinary routine, it is best to separate them from your company. Keeping them confined to a quiet part of the house will keep them calm and prevent growling, biting, hissing, spitting and scratching.

Follow these suggestions, have a plan and everyone, human, canine or feline will enjoy Thanksgiving. And if your dog or cat likes turkey treat them to boneless, skinless, gravy-free meat!

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