I thought I'd be posting on a regular basis again but to say I was mistaken would be understatement. Annie is having some issues with eating namely it's been an effort on my part to coax her to consume her meals. She wants our food or snacks begging shamelessly for potato chips, etc. She would not eat breakfast until I added a small amount of dry cat food as a topping. My thoughts are this is a bid for more attention coupled with end of winter blues; she is also sleeping more than usual.
And eye drops are still a twice a day ritual until further notice.
As for me, there's just been too much to do - I'm in the midst of before-spring cleaning and de-cluttering as well as getting ready for taxes. Add to that two weddings and several birthdays you just know I've been busy buying, designing, wrapping, mailing gifts and cards not to mention dressing up for a few parties.
My posts will be less regular for awhile at least until mid-April when we're finished with taxes. Maybe not since spring will be here and there is yard work and home repairs to contend with. I guess it never ends...