Wednesday was an exciting day for Annie and an extremely stressful one for me and Artie. With 2 follow-up visits scheduled for her cancer and urinary tract infection, I was trying desperately to remain calm and confident. So was Artie. Annie was excited to discover a car ride and unexpected adventure happening right after starting her day!
First stop was Verg Emergency to see the Oncologist. Dr. Cohen questioned us about Annie's personality, eating, anything that would indicate a change in her condition. We discussed her existing lumps, if they were any bigger (they were), how they felt (all palpate easily, none feel anchored in place) and we discussed 2 new lumps Artie recently found. Annie and all her lumps were examined, the new lumps were aspirated and a series of x-rays taken.
While we awaited the x-ray results, Dr. Cohen came to tell us the small pea-sized lump contained abnormal cells. Did we want to biopsy it, wait for results then, based on the findings, operate if needed or remove the lump now and send it out for biopsy. We opted for complete removal of the lump. Biopsy findings would determine if the time between follow-up visits would be 4-6 months instead of every 3 months.
Both Artie and I were stunned. How could this be happening to Annie again? Annie was happy beyond belief with all the different smells and the doctors' attention. The x-rays showed no recurrence of the cancer. Annie was scheduled for 1 PM surgery and we were instructed to bring her back after her UTI follow-up.
Off we went to Hope Vet to drop off Annie's urine sample for analysis and to ask a few questions. We had a beautiful, crisp autumn day filled with bright sunshine, perfect Halloween weather for a nice leisurely walk we all enjoyed especially Annie who utilized her Beagle skills to track every doggie scent she came across and cry at every doggie face she spied. The doctor at Hope assured me I wasn't losing my mind. The Glucosamine was prescribed for the urinary tract infection and Annie's new-found sprightliness was a pleasantly surprising extra bonus. There would be a wait for the results of the urine analysis as well.
Back to Verg to drop Annie off. Artie and I did a bit of shopping then went to a local diner for lunch. Almost 2 hours later we picked up Annie, who was slightly groggy, and with a promise from the doctor of biopsy results by the weekend, we took our tired girl home.
I'm apprehensive about the outcome. The last thing I want is for Annie to go through more surgery. However, I'm confident Artie's early discovery of that pea-sized lump will spare us all another major ordeal. In the meantime, all I can do is keep my fingers crossed and pray and hope.
Not exactly Frankenweenie but upsetting nonetheless. |